Brawn, Bone & Brain: Robots
In the case of robots, the reality is still behind science fiction. However, the fact that robots haven’t kept their promises in the last few decades doesn’t mean they won’t come in the near future. In fact, the era of robots is getting closer and closer due to the confluence of several advanced technologies. Smaller, cheaper, more practical and cost effective.
Well thoughts on the title? What is Brawn, bone & brain?
There are three aspects to a robot.
Brawn — The strength to the actual payload that the robot can move.
Bone — The robot’s physical structure for the tasks it performs. So it determines the size and weight of the robot relative to the actual payload.
Brain — Robot Intelligence; Able to think and run independently; how much manual work is required
Because of the way robots are portrayed in science fiction, many are expecting robots to look like humans. But in reality, what a robot looks like has to do with the tasks and functions it performs. Most of the machines that don’t look like humans can definitely be classified as robots. Similarly, there are robots that look human-like that do not far exceed mechanical mechanisms and toys.
Many early robots are large machines with significant baking and little. The old hydraulic robot banished on the tasks in 3D categories — dull, dirty and dangerous. Technological advances Since the first sector provision, the ability to perform performance and strategic benefits of robots has completely changed. For example, the robots of the 1980s were assigned that they were equipped with hydraulics to become electrical control units. Improved accuracy and performance.
Due to the rapid increase in the power of microprocessors and artificial intelligence technologies, robots have greatly increased their potential as flexible automation tools. A new surge in robotics is in applications that require advanced intelligence. Robotic technology is converging with a variety of complementary technologies, including machine vision, force sensing (touch), speech recognition, and advanced mechanics. This will excite a new level of functionality that has hitherto not been considered practical for robots.
Let us talk about some tasks that robots can perform better than us humans and there are tasks that are better performed by humans. We will discuss all of it. Lets go,
- Automate manual or repetitive tasks in a corporate or industrial environment.
- Working in unpredictable or hazardous environments, discovering hazards such as gas leaks.
- Process and deliver corporate security reports.
- Prepare a report by filling out a prescription
- Offers online ordering, room service and even food packets in an emergency.
- Assists during surgery.
- The robot can also make music, monitor the coastline for dangerous predators, help search and rescue, and help prepare meals.
Well these were some of the tasks that the robots can perform better than humans an now let us look at the task which humans will be better at any given day, since robots can’t do the following:
- perform surgeries but not take care of the scared patients
- sense furtive footsteps in a closed-off area, but not take action against gate-crashers
- lead exercise sessions for the elderly but not ease their loneliness
- help medical professionals with diagnoses, but not empathize with patients
- learn from data, but not correctly respond to unexpected situations
An increasingly sophisticated cohort of robots is proving capable of performing a wide array of tasks, from helping the elderly to cleaning home and office floors, and flipping burgers to performing complex surgery. Despite this, they will create more job opportunities across industries. It is Obvious that robots and artificial intelligence perform tasks better than humans. But they still can’t experience the quality characteristics of some people. They can never be as creative as humans. Robots can only perform the tasks they programmed without fatigue, and there are almost no errors.
For more details and insights about robots reach out to us. Madman Technologies provides robotics consulting and design services to meet the many needs of customers.